During the Summer we give our Kids Worship Team and Community Group Volunteers a well-deserved break. This gives them a chance to join us for regular worship and recharge. We want to say a special thanks to Mr. James for keeping our kids plugged in while we were apart! Thanks to all of our volunteers for all that you do to serve the Children at Double Oak.


Whether you join us in person for worship this Summer, or if you choose to continue to worship from home, make sure that you are signed up for our Children’s Ministry email communication! We will send resources directly to your inbox that will help your child connect during the worship service. Click here to sign up for our email distribution.

Below is also a great resource for you as a parent to help your child connect during the Worship Service. Check it out!

The Lifeway Kids App and Digital Pass, listed below, will have the activity page available to download as well as several discussion questions. This is a wonderful resource for you to use at home!

Lifeway Kids App

This app is free and is a great resource for you and your child to engage with the weekly Bible Story, Bible Skills, Memory Verse, Play games and more. Click on Spring 2020 for access to the current lesson. This app is interactive and can be used for each week’s lesson!

Lifeway Kids Digital Pass

This free resource has a video story, downloadable activity page, and conversation starters. If you do not have an account, go to my.lifeway.com/redeem and enter the code VZMD4SSQ38.

Praying for you and your family,

Sandy, Tracie, Brian, and Leslie