
Our Preschool Ministry serves Infant through up to age 5 (but not yet in Kindergarten). Through our Preschool Ministry, we have the exciting privilege of partnering with families as they introduce their little ones to God.

Here are some ways we minister to you and your preschoolers:


9 AM - Large Group | All classes Older 2’s-PreK come together for the Bible Story and Worship and return to class for Crafts.

10:45AM - Community Groups | Bible Story and Crafts led by a teacher in the classroom.



Wednesday Nights during MidWeek – Preschool Choir with Bible Story and Crafts.



Parent/Child Dedication | Brunch with family and a special time of dedication before the church.

Get on the Bus | Event to help promoting Kindergartners transition to Children’s Ministry.

Grandparent Event | Encouraging Grandparents in their roles with their grandchildren



Our Preschool Minister, Cindy Barksdale is the contact for all events in the church where we provide childcare. You can reach her at

Helpful Hints:

We want to make you and your preschoolers experience at DOCC the best it can be. With that in mind we try to create environments that make your child feel safe and secure while at the same time teach them about a loving God and His ways. Here are a few things you can do to help us accomplish that:

  • When dropping off your preschooler, make the transition into the room as quick as possible. While insuring them in a calm voice that you love them and will be back to get them as soon as church is over, walk them in the door or hand them to the teacher with a clean break even if the child is resistant or crying. We promise that we will come and get you if we can't get them to settle.

  • Have all your child's belongings labeled clearly for the teachers If you do not have your bag labeled, stickers are available at the check-in desk for you to use.

  • Encourage your child to leave personal toys at home or in your car

  • Use the resources we provide to help reinforce what they are learning. The sheets we give you on Sunday, as well as your child's craft activity and coloring sheets, serve to help connect the dots between what your children hear at church and what you are teaching them at home.

  • Follow and respect all of our Security Procedures.