
Thank you for visiting Double Oak Kids! If you will be attending for the first time soon, please click on the registration link below so that your information is already in our system when you arrive.

Welcome to the Children's Ministry at Double Oak Community Church! We are here to partner with parents as you nurture the spiritual formation of your children. Our ministry consists of students grades K5 through Fifth grade. This is an exciting time in the life of your child as they learn to explore the world around them. It is a truly a time of discovery. For more information about our Children's Ministry, email Sandy Stephenson at

We have three core values at Double Oak, and you’ll see these fleshed out in our Kids Ministry each week.

Maturity means having a clear understanding of who we are in Christ and what God wants us to do as a result of that identity. We help kids believe in the Gospel of Jesus for themselves and apply it to each circumstance they face.

Community means developing spiritual relationships with other Christians. We help kids live in a community of believers who are striving together to look more like Jesus each day.

Charity means crucifying our own desires to serve the needs of others. We help kids live out a life of sacrifice and service to the Kingdom of God.

These are the character traits that will define members at Double Oak, and we believe a solid foundation of faith should be laid in childhood. And because each moment of their childhood is so precious, every time we meet and every event we plan will serve these purposes.