This “Quaran-TIME CAPSULE” would be an interesting activity for you and your child to do during this time!


This resource is for families and has articles about talking to your kids about the virus, ways to stay calm, app recommendations, and other resources.


Help for Families During the COVID-19 Crisis - Focus on the Family


Free parenting resources for teaching kids Godly character

This video is a great resource to share with your kids to show how germs can spread.


Lifeline Children’s Services is committed to Gospel-centered service to our clients: vulnerable children, women and men experiencing crisis pregnancies, and broken families in need of restoration

This website has some great blogs, videos, podcasts, and even an app to inspire you and equip you to focus on what matters most.


You Version Devotional for Parents:

Parenting with Courage


4 Tips for Talking to Your Kids About the Coronavirus by Josh Straub


How Do We Talk About Tragedy With Our Kids? by Jamie Ivey


2 Ways to Calm Your Anxious Child by Josh Straub

Lifeway Kids App

This app is free and is a great resource for you and your child to engage with the weekly Bible Story, Bible Skills, Memory Verse, Play games and more. Click on Spring 2020 for access to the current lesson. This app is interactive and can be used for each week’s lesson!

Lifeway Kids

Lifeway Kids has a link where parents can watch that days video, download the activity page and have discussion questions for free as a response to the virus.  Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Register if you are a new user or log in if you already have an account. This is completely free.

Step 3: Enter this redemption code: VZMD4SSQ38

Step 4: Click “Access” (if prompted to sign in again, sign in) and then click “My Dashboard,” and go to LifeWay Kids at Home

Step 5: Download your Activity Page and One Conversation Sheet to use as you watch the video session.

Content will be updated weekly as needed. Free to all churches and the families they minister to.

Other Activities

With your kids at home and not at school, you might like some of the learning activities at the following links: