Welcome to the Women’s Ministry at Double Oak Community Church! Whether you are new to Double Oak or have been here a while, we long to create an environment that fosters connection, a place of restoration and discipleship for you to mature in your faith, deepen relationships and equip you to live the life God has called you to. Click on the buttons below to find opportunities to dig in deeper.

Don’t miss our upcoming events! Click below to find out more information.

See below for descriptions of our Women’s Ministry Spring 2025 Bible Studies. Evening studies are offered on Mondays (beginning Feb. 3rd) and morning studies are offered on Thursdays (beginning Feb. 6th).

Once you have decided on a study please use the REGISTER button below to let us know you will be joining us for the study. This helps us determine what size room we will need for the study. To purchase materials for each class, click on the direct links found in the descriptions.

Thursday morning classes will have available childcare. If you would like to reserve a spot for your child(ren) by the Monday prior, please click on the link below.


Idolatry… It’s not just a golden calf! led by Christy Bishop

“Idolatry isn’t just one of many sins; rather it’s the one great sin that all others come from. So if you start scratching at whatever struggle you’re dealing with, eventually you’ll find that underneath it is a false god” - Kyle Idelman

In Exodus 20:5, the Lord says about idols: “You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods.” Join us for a 7-week study as we dive into the scripture to understand this sin we all struggle with and find examples, like King Hezekiah, of those who put their trust in the Lord in the face of rampant idolatry. A Bible is all you need; any additional materials will be provided.


Ephesians: A Study of Faith and Practice by Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine L. Holmes and Melissa Kruger | led by Donna Howell and Peaches Wilson

Ephesians is one of the smallest books of the Bible, but the content is loaded with rich treasures. Reconciliation to God, unity in Christ, and living free are just some of the themes the apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, wrote in his letter to the church at Ephesus. Please join us for this 8-week study through the six chapters of Ephesians, and let’s journey together and unpack God’s teachings about putting faith into practice.

Click here to purchase the Bible Study Book: https://a.co/d/2D3lsAP


Esther, Verse-by-Verse Study | led by Cindy Saucer and Michelle Wurst

The book of Esther is one of the most beloved books of the Bible, and Esther herself is a heroine to Jews and Christians alike.  Many see her story as a fairy tale, but Esther was a real woman in a desperate situation, not of her own choosing.  She faced anxiety and fear, and yet she trusted the Lord with her fate. Join us as we dig into this book in detail in a 9-week study, verse by verse. All you need is a Bible; any other materials will be provided.

Luke in the Land by Kristi McLelland | led by Beth Cash and Catherine Dellinger

Join us for 7 weeks as we study Kristi McLelland’s “Luke in the Land,”  a compelling and immersive Bible study that brings the Gospel of Luke to life by exploring the historical and geographical context of the scriptures. This study guide helps participants understand the teachings of Jesus and the early days of His ministry with fresh insights and vivid detail.

Click here to purchase the Bible Study Book: https://a.co/d/gi2aujq

Ephesians, Verse-by-Verse Study | ed by Kerri Burson & Courtney Szollosy

The letter of Ephesians is considered one of the most concise theologically rich books of the Bible. In the midst of a world hostile to the Gospel, Paul lays out how we can thrive and flourish as we experience the transforming salvation of Jesus. Paul’s prayer for the saints, both in Ephesus and today, is that we would recognize the hope we have in Jesus and the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, giving us the opportunity to extend the love of God and the Gospel into the world through our everyday circumstances and relationships. Join us for a 9-week study as we dive into this rich scripture and discover the beauty of what it means to be truly alive in Christ. All you need is a Bible; any additional materials will be provided.

Are you looking for a way to minister to others in our community?

If so, we would love for you to be a part of the Mending Hearts ministry. On the first Wednesday of the month, from September to May, we meet from 9-11am to make pillows for patients who have had open heart surgery at several area hospitals. This is a wonderful opportunity to fellowship with other ladies while serving those in our city.

Sewing is not a requirement! We need help cutting fabric, stuffing pillows and tagging them. If you do sew, we would appreciate you bringing your machine to help with the sewing. Supplies are provided so come as you are.

For more information, contact Courtney Szollosy at cszollosy@doubleoakcc.org.

Making an Impact…

“I just wanted to thank you for the red heart. Not only did it help with moving and coughing, etc, it was a blessing. To know you had made it special for people like me going through heart surgery. I truly felt surrounded by God’s love.”

In Christ, Clarice

“After undergoing heart surgery at St Vincent’s, I was the recipient of one of your heart pillows. It has meant so much to me and I have relied on it many, many times. Your work is greatly appreciated! I hope I may someday repay you for your efforts.”

Love in Christ, Randy

“My husband David, had triple bypass surgery St Vincents. While we were in the hospital, David was given one of y’alls heart pillows, made with love! We were so thankful to be surrounded with God’s love, with great doctors, nurses and every service at the hospital. The Heart Pillow was a precious gift which we talk with everyone about.”

God Bless You All, David and Teresa

Mentoring relationships provide unique opportunities where women can learn from other women and their life experiences. You may find yourself longing for someone to help you grow in spiritual maturity, to help you study the Bible at a deeper level or help develop your prayer life. You may find yourself in a difficult season experiencing loneliness, grief and loss, wrestling with a difficult life decision, walking through infertility/miscarriage, or difficult relationships. Being paired with a mentor can help provide the Godly wisdom and encouragement you need. 

If you have experienced any of these situations and seen how the Lord carried you through and deepened your faith in the storm, the Lord may be calling you to be a mentor. 

“Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25

Moms INC (Moms In Need of Community) is for moms with children of all ages and stages of life. We strive to provide a Christ-centered time to build friendships, offering a place to share the joys and challenges of motherhood. As we build this community, let’s take our burdens, worries, and victories to the Lord and receive His peace together as a community of moms who love the Lord and pray together.

We will meet the first Tuesday of the month, 9:30 am-12 pm, September* through May at the Mt Laurel Campus of Double Oak Community Church, Room C22-23 in the Community Building. *Due to Labor Day, the first meeting will be September 10th. You do not have to be a regular attender of DOCC to join Moms INC! If you’re a mama of any age or stage, you are welcome here.

For more information or to sign up for the Moms INC newsletter, contact Courtney Szollosy, Women’s Minister, at cszollosy@doubleoakcc.org.


If you’re looking for some good books to read to further your spiritual growth, help develop spiritual disciplines, or build healthy relationships, here are a few of our favorites! We’ll keep adding to this list as we discover new gems, so check back periodically for more suggestions!

spiritual foundations

Spiritual Growth & disciplines


living in the world



healing & Difficult issues

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord asking: Who will I send? Who will go for us? I said: Here I am. Send me.” Isaiah 6:8

We believe our journey with Christ is not defined by the outcomes we achieve, but by the transformation we undergo. Our mission is to empower women to grow in their faith, character, and purpose, embracing the truth about WHO we are becoming in Christ. Through discipleship, fellowship, and service, we strive to cultivate a community where every woman can discover her God-given potential and live out her calling with grace and strength. The goal is becoming more like Jesus so we can teach others to also become more like Jesus. We go sit with the sinners, eat with the tax collectors, heal the sick, feed the hungry, care for the widows and orphans, simply because that’s what Jesus did. When we carry our cross daily, our perspective of our world changes and we begin to see the world as He sees it. How will you answer the Lord’s call?