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Well Child Policy

Our Well Child Policy will be enforced whenever we offer childcare on Campus or in homes. In order to prevent spread of illness we will not accept children with any of the following symptoms:

·    Fever or chills - currently or in the last 24 hours

·     Cough

·    Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

·    Flu or flu like symptoms or diagnosed with Covid in the last 10 days and still manifesting symptoms

·    Pink eye or any other eye infection

·    Diagnosed with strep throat (unless the child has been on antibiotics for at least 24 hours)

·    Sore throat

·    Congestion or runny nose

·    Nausea or vomiting within the last 24 hours

·    Diarrhea within the last 24 hours


If a child manifests any of these symptoms, we will advise their parent(s) that they will not be allowed to attend class that day.   Also, we do not administer any prescription or oral medications.