Children’s Musical
Don’t miss this full scale production with rehearsals during MidWeek at Double Oak!
Each year our Children's Musical is a full scale production with lights, choreography, drama and lots of special effects! The musical provides opportunities for many children to have special parts. Kids can try out for solos, speaking parts or to be part of a choreography group. Only kids in Grades 2-5 are eligible to try out for a part, but everyone who participates will get to be part of the choir!
Our musical for 2024 is “The Star Factor” by Christy Semsen. The setting is Camp Heart & Soul, a summer arts camp that features a talent showcase with an exciting twist: this year, the showcase winner earns the opportunity to compete on a national TV show, “The Star Factor!” The camp has asked the show’s host, Johnny Surfcrest, to be the camp’s celebrity coach…but he sends a replacement, an eager wannabe named Rick Bricklebee, who tells the children to“look out for yourself and no one else if you want to be…a star!”
Although the children initially work together, Bricklebee’s influence begins to rub off on them as the week continues, until everything falls apart just before the big showcase. The kids eventually learn that every part of the Body of Christ is important, and every person has a unique role to play.
The spring musical is a highlight of the year for many families in our community. Children do not have to be members of our church to participate. Our doors are open to all children (Grades K-5th grade) to come and be a part of presenting this wonderful musical!
Rehearsals begin on Wednesday, Jan. 8, and continue each Wednesday through March 16.—Wednesday night rehearsals are during MidWeek at Double Oak, 6:15 PM-7:30 PM
Dress Rehearsal is Saturday, March 15, 10 AM-12 PM
The musical will be presented on Sunday evening, March 16 at 6 PM (doors open at 5:15 pm, please do not reserve seats)
Clear your Wednesday nights, and bring your kids to be a part of this great experience!