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Fear Not

by Double Oak Worship

Isaiah 43:1-13

One of my all time favorite childhood movies is Disney’s Robin Hood (animated). I love the story, the characters, the music, just to name a few things. At one point in the movie, Allan-a-Dale (the rooster) sings a song about the current circumstances that the townspeople are experiencing. He sings, “…sometimes the ups, outnumber the downs, but not in Nottingham.”

Currently, we find ourselves in a climate in which disappointing news travels fast, frustrations run high, uncertainty abounds and we are becoming more and more emotionally exhausted. It is during times such as these that it is easy to neglect our soul. We can begin to focus on the “downs” and totally neglect the “ups.” When this takes place, we begin to hear and believe the lies of our Enemy. The lies that God doesn’t care about us, that we’re not as valuable as He says we are, that we’re forgotten and truly alone. Our soul takes a hit and fear begins to creep in.

Let’s be honest here, there are many things that we can choose to fear today…illness, the potential economic downfall, our personal financial stability, the education system, etc. When it comes down to it, our fear is rooted in our insecurity with God that he will either deal with us as we deserve or totally abandon us and not care for us at all. Our fear comes from a place in which we struggle to believe in God’s mercy and grace. But look at the Scripture in Isaiah 43 and at what God says…”I have redeemed you,” “I have called you by name,” “you are mine,” “I will be with you,” “you are precious in my eyes,” “I love you.” It goes on and on, how he loves us so much, even though we have done nothing to garner such love and care. Yet, He loves us nonetheless. He knows us personally and intimately. What grace and mercy he has bestowed upon us all.

Now more than ever, we must tend to our souls. We must choose to make time to spend with the Lord. We must turn off Netflix and simply be with the Lord. Speak with him, listen to him, experience his presence and receive his goodness. We must find other ways to connect with our community. Call someone, hear their voice, allow them to hear yours. Take a walk together (six feet apart of course), check on your neighbor, provide a service when needed. All of these things can afford us different ways to experience God’s faithful love for us. We must be mindful of what God is doing.

I don’t know about you, but I have been reminded during these times that I am not in control of anything, but that God is in control of all things. He is sovereign over all things and aware of all things. He is aware of our circumstances and situation. He knows our thoughts, feelings and needs. He knows our strengths and weaknesses. In the midst of all these things, Christ commands us not to worry, that He will provide for us all that we truly need (Matthew 6:25-34). He tells us here in Isaiah that he will protect us and provide for us because he has already prevailed for us. We have absolutely nothing to fear. I hope that you are encouraged by this as much as I am. God loves us more than we know.

I want to encourage you to read Isaiah 43 again. Take your time reading through it. Allow yourself time to hear what the Lord is speaking to you. As my good friend Jeremy Kingsley said, “We read the Bible not to finish, but to change.” Listen to the song again. Take time to worship with us. Allow God to minister to your soul through your worship.

We serve an amazing God who cares for us deeply. So fear not my friends, fear not. May the grace and peace of our Heavenly Father fill your heart, amen.

- Brian Marbury