Love One Another


  1. We have probably had many people in many different ways encourage us during this pandemic. How many of those people encouraged us by pointing us back to Jesus and all He has done for us? 

  2. Has there been a moment during the quarantine where God has encouraged us while reading his word, singing a song, or in a time of prayer? Could you share that moment? It could be a specific verse, a specific word or phrase, or song lyric? 

  3. During quarantine, how have you had to relearn and experience God’s love for you anew? What did this experience look like? 

  4. How does God’s love move us to love others who have a differing opinion than us on the coronavirus? 

  5. How do we put other’s needs and interests before our own?

Fear, Anxiety, & The Kingdom of God


  1. What area of your life do you need Jesus to set you free from fear, worry, or anxiety?

  2. Of the questions listed below that Jesus asks in this passage, which one is easiest for you trust him for? Why is that one easy for you? Which one is the hardest to trust him for and why? 

  • Is life not more than food and the body more than clothing? (v. 25) Purpose question; Is it easy to trust Jesus with the purpose for your life?

  • Are you not more valuable than the birds of the air? (v.26) Worth/Identity questionIs it easy for you to trust Jesus to find you worth and identity in him? 

  • And which of you being anxious can add a single hour to your life? (v. 27) Control question; Is it easy for you to trust that God is in control and sovereign over your life?

  • Will God not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? (v.30) Question of Allegiance or faith; Is it easy for you to trust that God will give you the faith to believe and trust in him?  

  1. What do you need that only Jesus can give you to satisfy the deepest desires of your soul? Is it the living waters of Holy Spirit? Is it the spiritual food of his word? Or is it living as one who is clothed in his righteousness? 

  2. How can trusting Jesus for these deep spiritual needs lead you to better trust him for your everyday physical needs? 

  3. How can we seek the kingdom of God over the kingdom of self?

  4. How does seeking the kingdom of God help us deal with fear, worry, and anxiety?

Plan B

  1. All of us have had plans that have changed, things we have lost, and events we were looking forward to that we had to cancel. Have we had a chance to properly lament the loss of those things? How could not lamenting hold us back from moving forward? 

  2. How can we rejoice during this season of quarantine?

  3. What is something God has given you or brought your way that you didn’t expect during this seasons that has been positive or encouraging?

  4. What serving opportunities has God brought your way during the quarantine?

  5. How do we find joy in Christ during hard circumstances?

Psalm 41: Honesty with God

  1. What do you miss the most about physically worshipping together with our church family? 

  2. Read Psalm 42. What verse or verses resonate with you right now and why?

  3. Are we being honest with ourselves and others about how we are really feeling right now? If so, how has this helped us navigate our new normal? If not, what is stopping us from processing our disappointment and negative emotions?  

  4. Are we being honest with God about how we are really feeling right now? If so, how has this helped us navigate our new normal? If not, what is stopping us from being honest with God? 

  5. God’s character and attributes are vast. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Is there a particular aspect of who God is that is bringing you encouragement in these days? Why is that particular one encouraging to you? 

  6. How can we “preach the gospel to ourselves?” How can we “preach the gospel to others?”


The Psalms are such a gift from God. They let us see how we can be honest with God about how we feel, and yet simultaneously trust in Him, His character, and His promises. This week, use one of the Psalms as a template to write your own Psalm to God that expresses how you really feel and how at the same time you are trusting Him, His faithfulness, and His never-ending love.

The Cure

  1. Share a memorable Easter moment from our lives. What makes it so memorable?

  2. What is bringing us joy in this hard season?

  3. As we reflect on who Jesus is and all he has done for us, what kind of emotions are stirred up in us? 

  4. How has Jesus rising from the grave conquering death changed our lives?

  5. How as this quarantine revealed to us that we are not in control of our lives? How has this impacted us personally?

  6. How has the reality of the gospel comforted you in this season?

Palm Sunday

Discussion Questions

  1. Why does Mark tell this story (like many others in his gospel) with imagery that points us back to the Old Testament?

  2. This story points to Jesus being the coming king. In our lives, do we see Jesus as our king? If so, how? If not, why not? 

  3. In a time that has slowed down and it seems like not much is happening, what do we find ourselves missing? Why do we miss them? 

  4. We know the truth of scripture tells us that God is with us. How have we experienced this truth in a real and personal way over the last few weeks? 

  5. How can we see and experience God in the ordinary and seemingly mundane things of life? What meaning does this give to the things we do every day? 

  6. What anxiety or fears are we holding on to that we need to cast on the Lord because he cares for us (1 Peter 5:7)?

The Ransom

  1. As the last few weeks have unfolded, what are you finding to be the most important thing in your life?

  2. Read Isaiah 53. What verse or verses resonated with you the most? Why?

  3. When was the last time you found yourself in awe of who Jesus is and what he has done for you?

  4. How does God’s great love for us transform our everyday lives?

  5. If we are honest, we can be like the disciples thinking we are great in God’s eyes because of all the good works and religious activities we do for him. How does this actually hinder our relationship with Jesus? 

  6. The Christian life calls us to be servants. How can we serve those around us in times like these?