We’re often scared to talk about patience because we don’t want something difficult to happen in our lives, but our perspective on patience can reveal our trust in God.
Love One Another: Forgiveness
Often when we talk about forgiveness, we put ourselves in the place of ‘the forgiver.’ What can we learn from putting ourselves in the place of ‘the forgiven?’
Serve United
Sabbath: We Need It
God knew we would struggle to rest. In the beginning of creation, we see God rest from His work. God is not resting because He needs it, but because we do.
Resting in Our Salvation
It’s easy for us to make resting about something we’re not doing, but our inability to rest is more likely about something we’re not believing.
Sabbath: Worry
As we deal with the hurry of our lives, it’s easy for us to become worried about everything coming next for us. Sometimes we think this is a new problem. But in Matthew 6, Jesus helps us address this in our life.
Sabbath Part One: Hurry
The Hope of Glory
As we conclude our series, “IN,” will we come to understand that Jesus is everything to us?
Throughout our relationship with Christ we will have moments of recognition and realization of our own sinfulness. How will we respond?
Abiding in Christ
If we know that we are in Christ and Christ is in us, what does that relationship look like on a consistent basis? We will look at Jesus’ answer in John 15.
Christ IN Me
It can be easy to find yourself trying to live for Jesus, without Jesus. Who will help us live for Christ? Jesus has an interesting answer to this question in John 16.